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Frontend service

Rafiki’s frontend service provides an optional internal admin interface, called the Rafiki Admin application, for you to manage your Rafiki instance through a Remix web app. This service communicates with the Backend Admin API to facilitate administrative tasks within Rafiki.


The following are required when using the frontend service:

  • A Rafiki backend service up and running to access the Backend Admin API.
  • An identity provider for authentication and user management. Out of the box, the Rafiki Admin application uses Ory Kratos, a secure and fully open-source identity management solution.

You must also set the environment variables for the frontend service.

Rafiki Admin settings

While the frontend service is not required to run a Rafiki instance, it is highly recommended. A number of administrative tasks could be performed programmatically via the Backend Admin API, but the frontend service makes these functions available through a user-friendly interface.

Environment variables

VariableHelm Value NameDefaultDescription
GRAPHQL_URLfrontend.serviceUrls.GRAPHQL_URLhttp://localhost:3001/graphqlURL for the GraphQL Admin API
OPEN_PAYMENTS_URLfrontend.serviceUrls.OPEN_PAYMENTS_URLhttp://localhost:3003/Open Payments API Endpoint
PORTfrontend.port3005Port from which to host the Remix app
ENABLE_INSECURE_MESSAGE_COOKIEundefinedValues of true, t, 1 will not use a secure message cookie which is required for flash messages to work over http. When not set, the secure flag is set according to NODE_ENV.