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Event Handlers

Rafiki communicates with the Account Servicing Entity over webhook events, as mentioned in the Getting Started section. Most events require the Account Servicing Entity interact with Rafiki, either to deposit or withdraw liquidity into or from Rafiki, or to provide wallet address information. This document will describe how an Account Servicing Entity should handle each of the defined webhook events.


The incoming_payment.created event indicates that an incoming payment has been created. It has not yet received any funds so no action is required. The webhook event is informational and allows the Account Servicing Entity to display upcoming incoming payments to their users.

    participant ASE as Account Servicing Entity
    participant R as Rafiki

    R->>ASE: webhook event: incoming payment created
    ASE->>ASE: no action required


The incoming_payment.completed event indicates that an incoming payment has been completed, either automatically or manually, and that any funds that have been received into this incoming payment should be withdrawn and credited to the recipient’s account with the Account Servicing Entity.

In addition, the CreateIncomingPaymentWithdrawal supports two-phase transfers see more.

Example: An incoming payment was completed and received $10.

    participant ASE as Account Servicing Entity
    participant R as Rafiki

    R->>ASE: webhook event: incoming payment completed,
receivedAmount: $10 ASE->>R: admin API call: CreateIncomingPaymentWithdrawal ASE->>ASE: credit receiver's account with $10

Example: An incoming payment supporting two-phase transfers was completed and recieved $10.

    participant ASE as Account Servicing Entity
    participant R as Rafiki

      R->>ASE: webhook event: incoming payment completed,
receivedAmount: $10 ASE->>R: admin API call: CreateIncomingPaymentWithdrawal ASE->>ASE: credit receiver's account with $10 ASE->>R: admin API call: PostLiquidityWithdrawal R->>R: 2-phase transfer completed


The incoming_payment.expired event indicates that an incoming payment has expired, and that any funds that have been received into this incoming payment should be withdrawn and credited to the recipient’s account with the Account Servicing Entity. Note that this event is not fired if there were no funds received by the incoming payment since there is no action required by the Account Servicing Entity.

Example: An incoming payment has expired and received $2.55.

    participant ASE as Account Servicing Entity
    participant R as Rafiki

    R->>ASE: webhook event: incoming payment expired,
receivedAmount: $2.55 ASE->>R: admin API call: CreateIncomingPaymentWithdrawal ASE->>ASE: credit receiver's account with $2.55


The outgoing_payment.created event indicates that an outgoing payment has been created and is awaiting liquidity. The Account Servicing Entity should verify the user account balance (and perform any other kinds of checks necessary) before funding or cancelling the outgoing payment. In case that outgoing payment should not be fullfilled, the Account Servicing Entity can cancel outgoing payment. Otherwise, the Account Servicing Entity should put a hold on the sender’s account and deposit the funds into Rafiki.

Example: An outgoing payment for $12 has been created.

    participant ASE as Account Servicing Entity
    participant R as Rafiki
    R->>ASE: webhook event: outgoing payment created,
debitAmount: $12 ASE->>ASE: check if account has enough balance alt Account has enough balance ASE->>ASE: put hold of $12 on sender's account ASE->>R: admin API call: DepositOutgoingPaymentLiquidity end alt Account does not have enough balance ASE->>R: admin API call: CancelOutgoingPayment
reason: Not enough balance end


The outgoing_payment.completed event indicates that an outgoing payment has successfully sent as many funds as possible to the receiver. The Account Servicing Entity should withdraw any excess liquidity from that outgoing payment in Rafiki and use it as they see fit. One option would be to return it to the sender. Another option is that the excess liquidity is considered a fee and retained by the Account Servicing Entity. Furthermore, the Account Servicing Entity should remove the hold on the sender’s account and debit it.

In addition, the CreateOutgoingPaymentWithdrawal supports two-phase transfers see more.

Example: An outgoing payment amount for $12 has been completed. $11.50 were sent. The Account Servicing Entity keeps $0.50 as fees.

    participant ASE as Account Servicing Entity
    participant R as Rafiki

    R->>ASE: webhook event: outgoing completed,
debitAmount: $12, sentAmount:$11.50 ASE->>R: admin API call: CreateOutgoingPaymentWithdrawal ASE->>ASE: remove the hold and deduct $12 from the sender's account,
credit ASE's account with $0.50

Example: An outgoing payment supporting two-phase transfers for $12 has been completed. $11.50 were sent. The Account Servicing Entity keeps $0.50 as fees.

    participant ASE as Account Servicing Entity
    participant R as Rafiki

        R->>ASE: webhook event: outgoing completed,
debitAmount: $12, sentAmount:$11.50 ASE->>R: admin API call: CreateOutgoingPaymentWithdrawal ASE->>ASE: remove the hold and deduct $12 from the sender's account,
credit ASE's account with $0.50 ASE->>R: admin API call: PostLiquidityWithdrawal R->>R: 2-phase transfer completed


The outgoing_payment.failed event indicates that an outgoing payment has either partially or completely failed and a retry was also unsuccessful. The Account Servicing Entity should withdraw any remaining liquidity from that outgoing payment in Rafiki. If the payment failed completely (the sentAmount was 0), the Account Servicing Entity should remove the hold from the sender’s account. If the payment failed partially, the Account Servicing Entity should remove the hold from the sender’s account and debit it with the amount that has been sent, but they should refrain from taking a sending fee.

Example: An outgoing payment for $12 has failed. $8 were sent.

    participant ASE as Account Servicing Entity
    participant R as Rafiki

    R->>ASE: webhook event: outgoing failed,
debitAmount: $12, sentAmount:$8 ASE->>R: admin API call: CreateOutgoingPaymentWithdrawal ASE->>ASE: remove the hold and deduct $8 from the sender's account


The wallet_address.web_monetization event indicates that a wallet address has received web monetization payments via STREAM (raw ILP access). The Account Servicing Entity should withdraw that liquidity from the wallet address and credit the receiver’s account.

Example: A wallet address received $0.33

    participant ASE as Account Servicing Entity
    participant R as Rafiki

    R->>ASE: webhook event: wallet address web monetization,
receivedAmount: $0.33 ASE->>R: admin API call: CreateWalletAddressWithdrawal ASE->>ASE: credit receiver's account with $0.33


The wallet_address.not_found event indicates that a wallet address was requested (via the Open Payments API), but it doesn’t exist in Rafiki. When receiving this event, the Account Servicing Entity can perform a lookup for the relevant account in their system, and create a wallet address. The initial request for the wallet address will succeed if the Account Servicing Entity creates it within the configurable WALLET_ADDRESS_LOOKUP_TIMEOUT_MS timeframe.

Example: The wallet address was requested but does not yet exist

    participant ASE as Account Servicing Entity
    participant R as Rafiki

    R->>ASE: webhook event: wallet address not found,
wallet address: ASE->>R: admin API call: CreateWalletAddress
public name: Carla Eva Garcia


The asset.liquidity_low event indicates that the liquidity of an asset has dropped below a predefined liquidity threshold. When receiving this event, the Account Servicing Entity should check if they have or can acquire additional liquidity of said asset and if so, deposit it in Rafiki. If the Account Servicing Entity cannot or does not increase the asset liquidity in Rafiki, cross-currency transfers will fail.

Example: The asset liquidity for USD (scale: 2) drops below 100.00 USD.

    participant ASE as Account Servicing Entity
    participant R as Rafiki

    R->>ASE: webhook event: liquidity (asset) low,
asset: USD (scale: 2, id: "abc") ASE->>R: admin API call: DepositAssetLiquidity


The peer.liquidity_low event indicates that the liquidity of a peer has dropped below a predefined liquidity threshold. When receiving this event, the Account Servicing Entity need to decide if they can extend said peer’s credit line or whether they need to settle first and then extend a new line of credit. If the Account Servicing Entity cannot or does not increase the peer liquidity in Rafiki, transfers to that peer will fail.

Example: The peer liquidity for Happy Life Bank drops below 100.00 USD.

    participant ASE as Account Servicing Entity
    participant R as Rafiki

    R->>ASE: webhook event: liquidity (peer) low,
peer: Happy Life Bank (asset: "USD", scale: 2, id: "abc") ASE->>R: admin API call: DepositPeerLiquidity