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Helm & Kubernetes

Running Rafiki in production

To run Rafiki in your production environment you will need to have the following software and tools installed:


Rafiki requires an instance of Postgres and Redis instance running with it.

An example Helm Chart including Rafiki, Postgres, and Redis can be found here.

Run the following command to install the example Helm Chart above:

Terminal window
helm install rafiki PATH_TO_RAFIKI_REPO/infrastructure/helm/rafiki


For Rafiki’s accounting database, you may opt to run Tigerbeetle in place of Postres. Though you must run one Postgres instance that’s used for the auth services and Open Payments resources.

To change the version of Tigerbeetle you must change the respective tag in the values.yaml file for Tigerbeetle.

Port Forwarding

In the current alpha version of Rafiki, no ports are exposed by default. You can port-forward the frontend (Admin UI) port by running the following:

Terminal window
// get list of pod names
kubectl get pods
// port forward
kubectl port-forward rafiki-rafiki-frontend-YOUR-SEQUENCE 3010:3010

Now, the Admin UI can be found on localhost:3010.