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Frontend service

Rafiki’s frontend service provides an optional internal admin interface, called the Rafiki Admin application, for you to manage your Rafiki instance through a Remix web app. This service communicates with the Backend Admin API to facilitate administrative tasks within Rafiki.


The following are required when using the frontend service:

  • A Rafiki backend service up and running to access the Backend Admin API.
  • An identity provider for authentication and user management. Out of the box, the Rafiki Admin application uses Ory Kratos, a secure and fully open-source identity management solution. Kratos will be made optional in a future Rafiki release, allowing you to run your own solution if you so choose.

You must also set the environment variables for the frontend service.

Rafiki admin settings

While the frontend service is not required to run a Rafiki instance, it is highly recommended. A number of administrative tasks could be performed programmatically via the Backend Admin API, but the frontend service makes these functions available through a user-friendly interface.

Environment variables

VariableHelm Value NameDefaultDescription
GRAPHQL_URLfrontend.serviceUrls.GRAPHQL_URLhttp://localhost:3001/graphqlURL for the GraphQL Admin API
OPEN_PAYMENTS_URLfrontend.serviceUrls.OPEN_PAYMENTS_URLhttp://localhost:3003/Open Payments API Endpoint
PORTfrontend.port3005Port from which to host the Remix app
ENABLE_INSECURE_MESSAGE_COOKIEundefinedValues of true, t, 1 will not use a secure message cookie which is required for flash messages to work over http. When not set, the secure flag is set according to NODE_ENV.